Join a House Church
House Churches
Church isn’t just a place you go or a thing you do, it’s a family you belong to. While the Sunday morning gathering will always be important to us, we believe church should be more than that. So we’ve intentionally designed Mosaic Church to function as one church made up of many house churches. These house churches are where faith intersects the rest of our life. In homes, restaurants, and parks throughout Bowling Green and the surrounding areas, Mosaic House Churches will gather to share meals, talk about a recent sermon, care for one another, serve their neighborhood, and simply live life together.
If you’re looking for a place to get connected to Mosaic, a house church is a great place to start. We currently have two House Churches meeting weekly:
Glasgow - Wednesday @6:30
Bowling Green - currently on summer break- resuming mid-August
Contact us using the form above and we’ll help get connected with a house church meeting near you!
INTERESTED IN STARTING A HOUSE CHURCH OF YOUR OWN? We can help you do that! You don’t have to be a gifted teacher or a Bible scholar to host a House Church. We’d love to equip you and share resources with you to help you start a House Church in your neighborhood!